You can place your orders easily and quickly through our online store
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You can place your orders easily and quickly through our online store
By phone
To order by phone call us at 212 1037 863 (Monday-Wednesday-Friday 10:00-14:00 & 17:00-21:00 / Saturday 10:00-14:00)
Social Media
You can place your orders easily and quickly through SOCIAL MEDIA (FACEBOOK & INSTAGRAM) with "inbox" message.
1) Shirt (photo ID: 16126) black, size M
2) Solomou 32, Ioannina, Postal Code 54652
3) Dimitra Karagiannis
4) 6975 55 49 **
You can pay for your order through the secure platform of viva payments. On this platform you will be guided by the completion of your order from our website.
You can pay for your order at the time of delivery to the Courier. Payment is made in cash, and no credit card is needed!